The harmonic language of Cours d'Harmonie de Nadia Boulanger is entirely drawn from one of the few surviving classroom notes of Nadia Boulanger’s teachings [...]
The material of the soloist part comes entirely, and without any kind of processing, from
Karol Szymanowski’s solo piano piece Métopes, Op. 29 (in the manner of an objet trouvé). [...]
A nocturnal —in the Bartókian sense— study on perfect unisons and microtonal deviations through ornamentation. It can be thought as a macroscopic bisbigliando
the Baroque of the depth capturing performance, historically informed from this version of stirring “Hallelujah” with clarity, renewed invites Messiah to live dramatic of the Soloists [...]
The material for Symphonia Harmoniæ Cælestium Revelationum is entirely extracted from folio 480v, column c, of the Wiesbaden Codex manuscript, dated to the late XIIth century. [...]